Search Results for: MARTIN HASELBÖCK

Music as in times of Solomo

…. des mit Verve agierenden Chorus sine nomine …

Thursday 28 March 2013

Raiding: A tremendous finale sound cosmos

‘Alles Vergängliche ist nur ein Gleichnis’: Supported by a wonderfully colourful orchestra sound, the men’s choir sang the Verse of the the chorus mysticus from Faust II with magical quality in intonatiom and in the subtlest of pianos. As the tenor joined the ensemble for ‘Das ewig Weibliche zieht uns hinan’ the sound rose into […]

Saturday 24 March 2012

A Mozart bliss at Musikverein Vienna

A program centered around Mozart that delighted the enthusiasts as well as the initiates: The Jupiter-Symphony and the C minor Mass KV 427. The Wiener Akademie succeeded in interpreting both works exquisitely well at the Musikverein. The C Major Symphony KV 427, Mozart’s last, sounded inspired and captivatingly transparent. Neither the musicians nor the audience […]

Thursday 15 March 2012